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#BlindLocation - 44

Um, hello Miguel, lookout for your doppelgänger coming through. Demetrius Ricard is this week's #BlindLocation. This beautiful man is also the sweetest man. I loved shooting with him. Super cool, super humble, and he's never modeled before, so you know I like some fresh meat!

Seriously though, I am blown away by how well he did in front of the camera. Modeling is tough, and I think unless you've tried it, you just can't possible know how hard it is. You have to really tune into your mindset.

For most of my models, I want them to channel their inner "I'm the shit," because typically my goal is to show a specific strength in the model's personality that's hopefully coming through in the story we tell with each image. Demetrius just had that thing. I didn't have to guide him too much.

Anyway, stoked on this shoot. I'll definitely be shooting more with him in the future.

This #BlindLocation was at Liberty Station. I'm proud to say, even on this original military base, we didn't get kicked out of any of the parking lots we wondered onto, even with a skateboard in tow.

Thanks Demetrius for making this #BlindLocation easy and fun, and thanks everyone for following along each week! Less than 10 of these to go!!!!

Photography: Sydney Prather

Video Editing: Alyssa Douglas


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