This week's #BlindLocation was shot in Ocean Beach with Amanda Selvidio.
I wanted to capture the "hard-hitting" news side of her, since she works for one of the journalism publications in San Diego. We landed in an alley, which yielded a nice backdrop for us to make that happen.
This top image is my favorite one we took, but we got a lot of great shots. Make sure you watch the video until the end to see what happens to Amanda's shoes.
Amanda has been watching these videos and following along on this project since the beginning, which I had no idea until we shot together. I sincerely appreciate everyone supporting this project. It makes me feel connected to my friends and this artistic community we have on Instagram and in San Diego.
I've started brainstorming what project I'll do next year, but I can't reveal that until next year, so keep watching in the meantime!
Thank you Amanda for reaching out and shooting with me. I hope you love the images as much as I do. You for sure look like a journalist.
Model: Amanda Selvidio
Photographer: Sydney Prather
Video Editing: Alyssa Douglas